The Ryan Klesko Webring

Thank you for deciding to join the Ryan Klesko Webring! Please fill out the submission form below.

Submit your site to The Ryan Klesko Webring:

Site Title:
Site URL:
Your Name:
Your E-mail:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.


After submitting your site, place the following code somewhere on your site. I don't require that it be on the exact page you've submitted -- a webrings page is okay -- but please don't hide it on your site and make it hard to find. It slows travel down through the ring. You will need to replace --YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS-- with your actual email address, YOUR NAME HERE with your actual name, and --YOUR SITE ID HERE-- with the site ID # that was given to you. (And yes, do take out the "--"s as well. If you've joined a webring before, you know the drill. But if you have any problems, please email me.


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